Saturday, 30 November 2013

An advocate Artical about "Houses under Rural housing scheme pinches the poor"

The BPL score will be calcu- lated on 13 parametersThe parame- terhave been further classified into four parts and each of this can have a score o0 to 4In the next stageparameters and score codes will be multiplied to get the final BPL score of thfamily. The families having a score from 0 to 16 will avail of the benefitunder various schemesThis will also minimize malpractices being undertaken by talatis and sarpanchs.The decision is taken tobring the state government schemes at parwith the rural housing schemes of thecentral government. The additional cost and the selection criteriaremama point of debate.

Congress leader Arjun Modhvadia said that the poor

Unit cost othhouses borne bthe government and thbeneficiaries
Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (Government)
Deendayal UpadhyaAwas Yojana (Government)
Halpati Gruh Awas Yojana (Government)
Awas Yojana for Tribal Areas (Government)
Sardar Awas Yojana (Government)

Indira Awas Yojana Sardar Awas Yojana DeendayalAwas Yojana Safai Kambar Awas Yojana AnusuchitJanjati Aawas Yoj ana (Tribals) Machhimar Awas Yojana AgariyaAwas Yojana HaplatiAwas Yojana the benefici
ariein schemeincluding Valmiki Ambedkar AwaYojanaDeendayaAwas YojanaHaplati Gruh Yojana.

The BPL scores prepared bthgovernment are based on a surveundertaken in2003. But thBPL scores in Gujarat havvaried from scheme to scheme. While thscorfor Indira AwaYojana the stathas fixed it from 0 to 16in other States it i0 to 20Butin Sardar Awas Yojana (thState Government's scheme),the BPL score has been fixeas 0 to 20

Dwindlindemand and fallinpropertprices appear to have createa platforfor buyers to negotiate prices with developers, which till a year ago was unheard ofReaestate prices have seecorrection of 15-25 per centThiaparta further 5-1per cent reduction is reportedlhappening during negotiations between builders and buyers.

Howevera uniform price correction pattercannot be mappeas orrectiohinges redominantly ofactors such locationdemandsupply and thdeveloper's financiaability to weather the storm in the current eco-nomic slowdown.

Ruling out a further price correction in thneaterm, MAnand guptaGeneraSecretaryBuilders Association of Indiasaid that there was no scope for furthecorrection in prices unless a builder wanted to incur loss. No one would want to sell below production cost andno bank funding can be got once that happens.

Mr Gupta sees a sedentary market with stagnant prices over thnexsix quarters, before sales starts kicking inOnce theconomy picks uanthpriceare seesteady, sales will take placeMr Sanjay DuttCEO-BusinessJones LanLaSalle Meghraj, said the mismatch betweesupply and demand was such thaeven if developers reduced prices in thluxury segmentit would still be outsidthe ambit of a majority of home seekers.

Centrum researchers said high- end home prices in Mumbai ardowfrom the peak values by around 20 per cent and developers were willing to negotiate a further 10-15 per cenonce someone exhibits intentions to buy.Mr Dutt said therhas beea correction of 30-40 pecenithsecondary market of central Mumbai, and of 10-15 per cent in the primarmarketIn the suburbsdeveloperof somprojects are holding on, whilothers have come down b10-15 per cent.

In Bangalorethprimary salemarket saw a ray of hope wheSobhDevelopers officially came down on their asking rates beight per cent about two months agoHoweverno other developers have overtly announceany reductionthough reductions do take place during direct negotiationsThis is despite develop- ers seeing a 70-75 per cent drop in sales.

In Delhithe secondarresiden- tial market have comdown by 7-per cent wita further reduction of 3-4 per cent knowto happen oactuanegotiation. The highest incidencof price correctionhas beeithe suburban parts of NCR.

In Puneprice reductions are still largela prerogative of individual developersThose who have sold 85 pecent or more of the flats in their projects are holding onwhile dips are increasingly evident among those whhave sold 50 per cent olessOveralltherhas beevisible softening of rates by 15-20 per centIn Kolkatathere ino softeninoprices ithe primary sales marketEven negotiation with an intention to bumakes no impact.Most transac- tionarhappening on the secondary market, where substantial rates drop of 20 per cent is noticed.

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